I’m on Facebook more than I should. It’s a two-edged sword. On the one hand, Facebook gives me a way to keep friends and family up-to-date on my my beautiful toddler and how fast she is growing and all the things she’s learning.
On the other hand, I often see things that make me sad and angry.
This is one of the reasons I decided not to include social media advertising in my offerings. I’ve dabbled in social media advertising from time to time over the years, but usually lose my taste for it when I see my content sandwiched between the latest propaganda piece from who knows where, and an ad for cheap watches from Hong Kong for just the cost of shipping.
When you advertise with Archer’s Bow, you’re reaching your target clients where they are. If they’re on the ESPN website, we’re there. If they’re on GQ Magazine, we’re
there. If they’re on Better Homes and Gardens, we’re there.
We don’t care what websites they’re on. If they’re in our target demographic, we’re coming to them.
This is intentional. Being on social media is, at best, a mixed bag for everyone. You see some content you like, others you find repulsive.
I’m big on the physiological aspect of marketing. Positive brand recognition is built through association. If I’m reading an article about the housing market on Forbes, it’s because I find Forbes credible. When I see an ad for Laura MacDonald of SWMRealty, that feeling of credibility is now associated with her brand.
If I’m reading AllRecipes.com and I see an ad for Beckett’s Cafe in Joplin, that feeling of happiness (and hunger) is now associated with Beckett’s.
We take a little different approach. We want to meet people where they’re happy, and are in position to assign credibility to your brand.
Does this sound like the right approach for you? Visit ArchersBowMedia.com to request a free consultation.
I’ll give you my best advice whether we end up working together or not.
Jacob Brower is the president of Archer’s Bow Media & Marketing. He has 21 years of experience in mass media, many of which he spent as the chief executive of a state and national award-winning media group in southwest Missouri. He was named one of the nation’s top 25 media professionals under age 35 by Editor & Publisher magazine in 2016. Text or call him at 417-592-3505, or email him at jacob@archersbowmedia.com.
