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Jacob Brower
Oct 21, 20233 min read
People will view your brand favorably when exposed to it, even in passing, study shows
Even fleeting exposure to your brand will make potential customers view it more favorably, a Journal of Consumer Research study finds....

Jacob Brower
Oct 21, 20211 min read
Archer’s Bow president featured in Springfield Business Journal article
Jacob Brower, president of Archer’s Bow Media & Marketing, was featured in an article in this week’s Springfield Business Journal about...

Jacob Brower
Oct 4, 20212 min read
Let’s talk about why my clients were unaffected by the Facebook outage today
I’m on Facebook more than I should. It’s a two-edged sword. On the one hand, Facebook gives me a way to keep friends and family...

Jacob Brower
Sep 21, 20213 min read
Business owners: This is why you procrastinate
It’s a tale as old as time. You have a task that needs to be completed that you’re dreading. You set off with good intentions to scratch...

Jacob Brower
Sep 21, 20212 min read
The No. 1 reason advertising fails. (It’s not what you think.)
Health-wise, I’ve seen better years than 2020. A few months into the pandemic, I acquired “quarantine bod.” I became a father in June, so...

Jacob Brower
Jul 9, 20211 min read
WATCH: Archer’s Bow president talks business on local show
Jacob Brower, president of Archer’s Bow Media & Marketing, spoke Friday on AMG Broadcasting’s The Morning Mouth with Johnny Rooster. The...

Jacob Brower
May 21, 20211 min read
Earn up to $100 for every referral
Refer business owners/decision makers to Archer's Bow Media & Marketing, and you could earn up to $100 per referral. The process will...

Jacob Brower
Nov 2, 20201 min read
The polls open at 6 a.m. Is it really necessary to vote that early?
Yes! Why are you still awake? Read this chili recipe if you need help winding down: INGREDIENTS 2 lb. ground beef 2 lb. ground Italian...

Jacob Brower
Apr 23, 20202 min read
5 reasons why this is the perfect time to build your brand
Anything new since we last spoke in January? Just kidding. Of course, there’s a lot new — mainly, a global pandemic that has brought the...

Jacob Brower
Jan 22, 20201 min read
Cassville, Monett, Springfield events to celebrate Archer’s Bow’s 1st birthday
Archer’s Bow Media is 1 year old! We want to celebrate this milestone with the people who make our communities great. • Cassville — 11:30...

Jacob Brower
Nov 27, 20192 min read
What ‘Scent of a Woman’ can teach us about business (and life) this Thanksgiving
One of my favorite Thanksgiving week traditions is watching “Scent of a Woman.” There are valuable lessons about business (and life) that...

Jacob Brower
Nov 17, 20192 min read
If you can’t explain it in 10 seconds or less, it’s too complicated
During my years as a chief executive, I encouraged ideas from my staff. But I had one condition. If I didn’t have a basic understanding...

Jacob Brower
Apr 21, 20193 min read
The service I don’t provide anymore, and why you should use it
When was the last time you walked out to your driveway or mailbox to get your newspaper? Do you remember how great it felt to peruse the...

Jacob Brower
Apr 17, 20192 min read
Pepsi wins taste tests. Coke dominates sales. Here’s why.
For decades, Pepsi has won blind taste tests over Coca-Cola. Nonetheless, Coke dominates soft drink sales year after year. Coke’s market...
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